Seven Types Of Content That Help You Share Your Message, Your Stories, & Your Ideas With Your Dream Clients

There's a whole lot of content out there for your dream clients and customers to dive into.

Some of it will speak directly to them - to their goals, their dreams, their fears, their values, and to the things that matter most to them - and some of it will just skim the surface and only briefly catch their attention.

You, of course, want to be speaking directly to them.

To be sharing content that hits them deep in the gut, that makes them stop and pay attention and think - this is exactly who I've been looking for!

And the good news is, it's not all that hard to do this.

Because the content that's going to speak directly to your dream clients is already within you - it's rooted in your message, your stories, and your ideas. Your job is to get to the heart of those stories and ideas, and bring them to life in a way that is engaging for your dream clients and customers so it resonates and connects with them along the way.

Today I want to share with you seven types of content you can create that help you to share your message, your stories, and your ideas with your dream clients and customers - this list isn't exhaustive, there's an abundance of ways you can bring content to life online, but these are some of my favourites to both create and consume too.

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Jen Carrington
Make It Happen Podcast: The Unexpected Business with Rebecca Warriner

I have another brand new episode of Make It Happen to share with you today...

Rebecca Warriner, the lifestyle blogger behind From Roses, was one of the first internet-friend-turned-real-life-friend I ever made.

Over four years ago now we both bonded over being bloggers, living life at a different pace due to health struggles, and since then we started an online lifestyle magazine together (which we since shut down but was an awesome adventure together) and separately we've both been building our own businesses and seeing them thrive and we've continued to cheer each other on every step of the way.

I wanted to bring her onto the show this season to talk all about her blogging and business journey so far, what it's like making her living through sponsored content, how she shares personal content while still maintaining her privacy, and what she's learning in this season of her business and life about giving herself permission to slow down and take a break.

This episode is a really fun and honest conversation between two friends, and hopefully can be a really interesting insight into what it's like to be a full time blogger and make a living from sharing yourself and your life online.

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Jen Carrington
The Secret To Feel-Good Selling As A Creative Business Owner? Write For Your Dream Clients

Nobody wants to feel like a used car salesman in their business.

We don't want to turn to icky, aggressive, and not-so-feel-good marketing techniques to help us build a thriving, booked-out, and sustainable business along the way.

Because we're building relationships with awesome humans, not just finding clients and customers. And we want to feel good about the way we market and sell our services and products, not like we have to hustle for our self worth and compromise our integrity to make our business work and thrive.

And our clients and customers deserve that too - to be treated like the awesome humans that they are, to feel seen and heard and to have a safe space to decide whether or not we feel like a good fit to work with and invest their money in.

And this is where writing for dream clients comes in.

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Jen Carrington
Make It Happen Podcast: Staying The Course with Kayte Ferris

A brand new season of Make It Happen is here!

It's been a while, but it has been so good to get behind the microphone again and have some awesome conversations with some incredible humans and creatives.

For this season I have eight awesome interviews to share with you, with a brand new episode going live every Tuesday for the next eight weeks. 

And for the first episode I was joined by the wonderful Kayte Ferris of Simple & Season, a marketing coach and blogger and past client of mine too. We had an awesome time catching up, diving deep into her incredible journey last year of taking her business from just a dream to a booked out and thriving reality, how she stayed the course in the face of uncertainty and the unknown, and she also shared tons of awesome marketing advice for creative business owners too. 

If you'd like to listen along to our conversation you can below, and you can also find the show notes for this episode this way too

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Jen Carrington
Resonate & Connect: A Mini Book From Me To You (+ Introducing Writing For Dream Clients)

If you've been reading this blog for a while now, you'll know that I'm a big advocate for writing for our dream clients as creative business owners.

I've been consistently booked out with crazy-awesome clients for the past three years all thanks to my digital content.

By sharing my own stories, ideas, and message through my blog, podcast, Weekly Letters, and mini books I've been able to build meaningful and authentic relationships with potential dream clients every step of the way.

The content I create is also one of the most fulfilling parts of my business too - I find so much clarity, focus, and joy by exploring my ideas and bringing them to life in a blog post, Weekly Letter, mini book or podcast episode, and I've connected with so many incredible humans through the content I share over the years too.

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Jen Carrington
10 More Awesome Things My Clients Are Doing In The World This Year

I'm definitely biased, but my clients are some of the most inspiring creative humans I have ever met.

They are doing some truly bold, brave, and incredible work in the world right now, and I am forever inspired by their creativity, their courage, and their tenacity too.

Today I want to share with you ten of my awesome clients with you and the work they're doing right now, and you can catch up with some past posts like this sharing the awesome work my clients do here, here, here, and here

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Jen Carrington
What It Looks & Feels Like To Run A Big-Hearted Coaching Business

I talk a lot about being a big-hearted business owner.

It's the best way I know to describe my mindset and approach when it comes to running my business - because there's a whole lot  of heart and intention behind the work I do as a big-hearted coach, and I see within all of my clients and the awesome humans I connect with through this blog, my Weekly Letters, and my podcast that there's a whole lot of heart and intention behind the work they're doing in the world too.

So today I want to dive a little deeper into what it actually looks and feels like for me to run a big-hearted business, in the hopes it can hold some space for you to explore what it could look like for you too, no matter what type of business you're running and awesome work you're doing in the world along the way.

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Jen Carrington
Eight Mantras & Reminders For When You're Feeling Anxious & Overwhelmed In Your Business

Running a business can feel really overwhelming sometimes.

Don't get me wrong, being your own boss is awesome but a dream job is still a job and it still has its own stressors, anxieties, and overwhelming days along the way too.

We're in charge of everything, from client work, to customer support, marketing, accounting, and so much more. We wear so many hats and we have a whole lot of responsibility on our shoulders to show up, do the work, and keep our business moving forward each day.

And now and again, it can all start to feel like a little too much.

Maybe you're worried about money and overwhelmed by the pressure and anxiety that comes from being in charge of making your own income.

Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed with your client workload and struggling to find enough hours in the day to get everything done.

Maybe you've made a mistake or faced a setback or disappointment and you're starting to fear that everything in your business is starting to fall apart.

Maybe you're just exhausted and in need of some rest but your business is demanding of you something you don't feel like you can give it right now.

Whatever it is, I have eight mantras and reminders for you today for when you're feeling anxious and overwhelmed in your business. My hope is that these can hold some space for you to find some peace, courage, and perspective in those moments so you can continue to move forward along the way.

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Jen Carrington
Answers To The Questions I'm Always Asked About Building & Running A Big-Hearted Coaching Business

I’m now in my fourth year of being a creative coach and starting this business is, without a doubt, one of the best decisions I have ever made.

I’ve worked with over 150 awesome, incredible, and inspiring human beings who are making amazing things happen in the world right now (you can find out a little more about some of them and the work we’ve done together here).

I’m able to have full control over my time and my schedule so I can make my business work around my life, my family, and my health.

I have an awesome community who I create content for and I have met so many incredible humans through my Weekly Letters, my blog, and my podcast.

And I’m able to make a sustainable income from my business that has enabled me to be the breadwinner in my family, to live in a city we love, and travel to some amazing places all over the world too.

It’s a privilege and a joy to do the work I’m able to do in the world, and I’m so grateful every day for my business, for my crazy-awesome clients, and for this life that I’ve built for myself.

I've coached many other awesome coaches over the years - from life coaches, to health coaches, business and creative coaches, relationship coaches and more - and I also receive lots of emails from budding coaches with questions all about building and running a coaching business so today I'm taking 12 of my most asked questions and answering them for you here on the blog. I hope they can be of some encouragement and guidance for you if you're starting to build your own big-hearted coaching business or thinking about taking the leap soon.

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Jen Carrington