Five Signs That You’re Ready to Diversify Your Income Streams

If you’ve clicked on this I’m going to assume that you are a client based business thinking about diversifying your income streams with some 1-to-many offers, or you’re curious if it’s a good next step for you.

I have experimented a lot over the years with creating 1-to-many offers in my business and I’m now in a place where I’ve been able to significantly reduce my client workload for more ease and breathing room in my schedule and for more impact by being able to serve more people through my 1-to-many offers too. And I’ve also supported hundreds of my clients over the years to create and launch group programs and digital products and courses too so I have a lot of thoughts on this subject.

These are the five signs I’ve seen in my own business and in my clients too that diversifying our income with 1-to-many offerings is an awesome next step to explore:

First is that you are full or close to full with clients in your schedule

If you are at max capacity with client work, if your books are currently full or close to full and you maybe even have more demand for work than you have space for that is usually a very strong sign that creating some 1-to-many income will support you to serve more people, reduce some of your 1:1 workload, and scale your income if you wish to, too.

Because as a client business there is always a ceiling to how much work we can take on and as our word of mouth grows and we reach more people so does the demand for our work too so it is inevitable really that you will get to this place where your schedule is full. Now of course just because your schedule is full doesn’t mean you have to diversify your income with 1-to-many offers but if you’re craving more spaciousness in your schedule and to reduce your client workload or scale your income without taking on more 1:1 work this can be a great next step for you.

Next is when you’re taking on more client work than feels energetically aligned

So perhaps your books are full or close to full and you’re just feeling really drained and overworked or perhaps you’re not actually at full capacity yet but you’re still just feeling really out of alignment in your business. Because client work can be really energetically demanding and often it’s just not sustainable for us to have too much of it on the books without burning out at some point in our business. So if you’re currently feeling a little overstretched by your client workload or feeling like you couldn’t handle anymore but you aren’t making enough income with the work you already have then that’s often a strong sign that diversifying with 1-to-many income is a solid next step to focus on.

The third sign is that you have processes, perspectives, and experiences that can be productised

I often tell my clients who are looking to diversify their income streams with 1-to-many offers that the good news is that the bones of their offerings already exists in their client work, in the magic they already do in the world.

Whether it’s turning your 1:1 process into a group format or sharing your systems and processes in a self-guided way or using your experience and perspective to teach others who want to do what you do, you are sitting on a goldmine in your business of ideas and possibilities of offers to bring to life.

Think about the journey you take your clients on, or the systems you’ve built in your business that you can teach others in your industry, or the insights and experiences or rituals and encouragement that you can share in a 1-to-many way.

The fourth sign is that you’re craving more scalability and freedom in your work

If you are looking at your business model right now and feeling a little stuck, like you have to take on more client work than you truly want to to reach even just your baseline income goals and have a schedule that’s not truly aligned with how you want to be working and living then that is a hell yes sign that you are ready to build in more scalable income into your business.

I’ve experimented a lot over the past eight years since starting my business with 1-to-many income but it’s only been in the past few that I’ve really taken pivoting my business to more of a hybrid model seriously and that is how I’ve been able to make some really substantial shifts now in my business. For example for next year I am moving to only having client calls once every 3 months, which is the spaciousness I didn’t even let myself dream of just a few years back and this summer I’m able to take 3 months off from client work all thanks to really intentionally building 1-to-many income into my business.

Because like I said, there is a ceiling to client work whereas with 1-to-many offerings you have a lot more capacity for spaciousness and growth when building these offers into your business model. And I’m not saying it’s always been easy and simple to experiment with building these offers into my business - it has been exactly that, an experiment with some great launches and some not so great launches and some totally launched to crickets launches too. But I’ve learned so much and those great launches have been what has enabled me to pivot and evolve my business into the direction that truly works best for me.

And finally the fifth sign, and perhaps the most important of all, is that you don’t want to be doing the same thing in your business a year from now

If right now in this moment you know that your business in its current format isn’t truly aligned with how you want to be living and working, if you want more spaciousness and breathing room in your schedule and to have the ability to stabilise or increase your income without taking on more clients then that’s your biggest reason to start to explore what it would look like for you to build 1-to-many offers into your business.

It’s okay to want something different even if what you have right now is on paper already more than you even first hoped for, or if what you thought you wanted isn’t truly what you want anymore. It’s okay to love working with clients and still want to work with less of them and it’s also okay if you’ve discovered you don’t actually thrive delivering 1:1 work too.

It’s your business, you get to decide. And I’m not saying it’s always easy and simple to pivot and change what we’re doing but just because it’s not always easy and simple doesn’t mean that it’s not worth it to listen to what we truly desire and intentionally work towards making it our reality.

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Jen Carrington