Uncover Your Big-Hearted Business: A Mini Book From Me To You


After over three years now of coaching some crazy-awesome big-hearted creatives, I've seen time and time again that some of the most powerful work we do together is to help them uncover and discover what their big-hearted business actually is.

Because we can have all of the creative hopes and dreams in the world, but if we don't actually know what our business is, what it does and who it's for, and what we sell and how we deliver that, we can't actually build something that is impactful, fulfilling, and sustainable along the way.

So that's why I've created Uncover Your Big-Hearted Business, a mini book filled with questions and exercises to help you get to the heart of your business and hold space for you to take intentional, purposeful, and strategic action in your creative work and life moving forward.

It's a 10-part business plan for anyone who wants to uncover their business idea, or dive deeper into the big-hearted business that they already have, and my biggest hope is that it can support you to  find clarity, focus, and direction with your business moving forward. It dives into and explores your what and your why, your lifestyle and income goals, your dream clients and customers, your services and offerings, your marketing plan and more.

So if you're feeling stuck, or unsure of how to take that awesome idea in your head and turn it into a living, breathing business, I hope this mini book can be of some support and guidance to you in your creative journey along the way.

I am so excited to share Uncover Your Big-Hearted Business with you today and if you'd like to dive in you can sign up below and receive access to it straight to your inbox.


You'll also have exclusive access to previous mini books that I've created, and to my Weekly Letters that I send to my community every Sunday. You can find out a little more about these this way.

More than anything, I hope this mini book can hold space for you to dive deeper into your big-hearted business and support you to keep on moving forward and making things happen every step of the way.

As always, I'm rooting for you!

Jen Carrington