Five Podcasts For Game Changing Freelancers & Creatives

I’m a big believer in contributing way more than we consume and I've consciously been cutting back recently on how much I’m consuming so I can silence the noise more and get back to doing the work that I feel inspired to do. But one area where I’ll happily give a few hours to each week is podcasts; I may be a little biased as I’m also a podcaster, but I really do believe that audio content is currently where some of the most insightful, game changing, and original ideas are being shared in the creative and small business world online.

And today I want to share with you five of my favourites that I think you will love too.

Way back in January I shared five of my favourites, which I still love (especially Being Boss, if you’re not listening to that one definitely head over and check it out now), but these five are more recent discoveries that I get crazy excited to listen to each time a new episode goes live.

1. Invisible Office Hours

Listening to IOH hosts, Paul Jarvis and Jason Zook, talk about business and creativity has been one of my favourite things recently. Their honest and insightful approach to running your own creative business and living the life of an entrepreneur is refreshing in an online world where so much of what's out there can just feel like noise. Paul and Jason go off on tangents sometimes, but that's usually where their best conversations happen, and out of every podcast out there this is the one that leaves me with the most a-ha moments when it comes to my own work and life.

My favourite episodes so far: Goals, Relationships, Launching

2. Magic Lessons

Elizabeth Gilbert is awesome. I read Eat, Pray, Love quite a few years ago now and was recently reminded about how awesome she is after watching her recent interview with Marie Forleo - if you haven't watched it yet I definitely recommend it. Magic Lessons is her podcast all about the roadmaps to creativity and it's pretty damn awesome for anyone looking for creative inspiration, ideas, and advice. Some episodes she has special expert guests, others she has listeners on the show to talk through what they're struggling with and she shares her words of wisdom to help them move forward with their creative work. If you're in need of some creative guidance, this is the podcast for you.

My favourite episodes so far: Pursue Your Passions Like A Mofo, Big Strong Magic, Do What Ignites Your Soul

3. The Freelancer

Paul Jarvis, also the co-host behind Invisible Office Hours, recently launched a brand new podcast, The Freelancer. A podcast all about living the freelance life, Paul touches on subjects such as making mistakes, being an introverted freelancer, and saying no to potential clients. These episodes are short and sweet and to the point and are completely fluff-free - if you're a big fan of Paul Jarvis's Sunday Dispatches (if not, you can check them out here) you will definitely enjoy this podcast. 

My favourite episodes so far: Inbound vs Outbound For Freelancers, Acting Like A Professional Freelancer, Introverted Freelancer

4. The Get Paid Podcast

The Get Paid Podcast is brought to you by Claire Pelletreau, a Facebook Ads specialist, and it's all about the nitty gritty and numbers behind what it takes to build a profitable business online. She interviews guests and digs deep into the strategies and methods behind their business, and talks numbers too in terms of income and expenses. It's a really great insight into the behind the scenes of profitable businesses, and if you're curious about the numbers side of things this is a show for you.

My favourite episodes so far: Kathleen Shannon & Emily Thompson, Maggie Patterson, Becca Tracey

5. Unemployable

The latest podcast to be added to my feed is Unemployable, brought to you by Brian Clark who you probably know best from Copyblogger and Rainmaker. Unemployable shares actionable strategies and ideas for freelancers and creative entrepreneurs through interviews with thought leaders and solo episodes with Brian. It's pretty awesome from what I've listened to so far and really insightful if you're after smart ideas around making a living online, living the creative live, and being strategic with your business. 

My favourite episodes so far: How To Onboard New Clients The Smart Way with Paul Jarvis, The Art Of Branding with Kathleen Shannon, Seth Godin's Top Tips For Freelancers

There we have it - five awesome podcasts that I definitely recommend digging into if you're a freelancer or creative business owner. And if you're wondering what's happening to Make It Happen, look out for the last episode of Season 1 coming soon which will fill you in on why I'm taking a few weeks away to prepare for Season 2 and the exciting things to come. 

What podcasts are you enjoying at the moment?

Jen Carrington