You Don’t Have To Create For Other Business Owners To Build A Successful Online Business

A big chunk of the online creative business community, including myself, are running businesses for other business owners. I’m a creative coach for freelancers, bloggers, and creative entrepreneurs, and pretty much all of my online business friends work with other solopreneurs and creative businesses in some form or another too. There are so many new business, blog, and freelance resources, consultants, and coaches popping up online each week that building a B2B feels like it’s all the rage right now. And in my own personal experience it is a pretty awesome industry to be in, however I think it’s too easy these days to start to believe the lie that you can only build a successful online business if you’re creating for other business owners, freelancers, and bloggers. 

Today I want to talk to you about running a business for consumers, not for other business owners, because there’s a ton of you out there with big old dreams that aren’t rooted in building a B2B but all the noise online right now may be pushing you in that direction. 

What is a B2B? 

You’re a B2B if you create services and products for other business owners. The work you do is to help other businesses thrive, grow, and succeed. For example, take my crazy talented friend Mariah who runs Femtrepreneur, where she helps bloggers turn their online presence into a profitable business. Or the awesome Lauren Hooker who is a brand and web designer for creative entrepreneurs. Their brands are all about helping other creative business owners do awesome things with their brand, make more money, and build a business they love. 

You’re a B2B if your work is here to serve other business owners and entrepreneurs. 

What is a B2C?

You’re a B2C if you create and sell services and products for consumers, not business owners. For example, Talia Chai who is a wellness coach. Or the awesome Jess May who is a relationship coach. You’re here to serve people, whether you’re creating handmade products, or offering life coaching services, or maybe creating content that inspires and delights. 

My client base are pretty much split down the middle when it comes to B2B and B2C - I've worked with some seriously awesome photographers, interior designers, nutritionists, content creators, and life coaches, and then also with some crazy talented infopreneurs, virtual assistants and creative coaches and consultants. And what I’ve found is that whether they serve consumers or business owners doesn’t define their capability for building a purposeful and profitable business and online presence, but instead what matters is how they share their brand, market their services and products, and cultivate community and relationships around the work that they do.

So if you’re working crazy hard right now to build a B2C business (or maybe if you’re even still in the dreaming phase) and you’re trying to find your place online amongst all the B2B brands, I want to encourage you to keep on going. Business owners and bloggers aren’t the only viable audience online, you can create incredible products and services that aren’t targeted towards helping people grow and thrive in their business. So if you have an entrepreneurial soul but you’re here to serve other people not other business owners, you don’t have to fear that there’s not a market out there for you. You can still tap into the power of your online presence and connect with your ideal audience and cultivate relationships and community that leads into clients, customers, and profit. 

The secret? Tap into what makes you, your brand, and your work valuable, and share that every single day through your online presence. A big part of figuring out the best strategy to help you build a profitable and purposeful online business is rooted in whether or not you're a for-business or for-consumer brand, so I have a ton of specific B2B and B2C content coming up soon to help you make big and beautiful things happen online while serving the people you serve best. 

I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic? If you're building a B2C online business, what do you struggle with the most right now?



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Jen Carrington