Exist Where You Are Right Now: Some Thoughts On Trusting In The Process

Though popular culture may like to say that us Millennials are lazy, entitled, and narcisstic, I’ve found that most of us are just itching to make progress, move forward, and really do something awesome with our lives. I don’t know about you, but I can spend so much of my time trying to rush things that I forget to exist exactly where I am right now. 

In Sunday’s Weekly Letter for Bloggers & Creatives I spoke all about how starting small is better than not starting at all, and touched on how it’s okay to get going before you feel completely ready. There’s a process in life, we have to take all the little steps in front of us to get to where we’re heading and if we spend our time wishing we were further ahead instead of existing where we are now, we won’t learn everything that life is trying to show us along the way.

I moved back home with Alex and our pesky cat Marcy in tow over a year ago now and we foolishly were convinced that we’d have our own place (and hopefully a King Charles Spaniel named Josh Lyman) by now. I can spend so much of my time pining for our own home, when instead I could be focusing on my work and just enjoying the life we have together right now. I can look at my business, which is in its baby stage, and wish that I was further ahead, or I can just give all of my energy into where I am now and focus on just doing the work. We have to trust in the process enough and know that we’re exactly where we need to be. We can’t skip all the steps that feel a little tedious just because we have a better vision for our life, instead we have to leap in with both feet and embrace the here and now. Spending all of our time wishing we were at a different stage means we’ll just miss out on all the wonders of the present. With hard work and enough determination we’ll get to where we want to be, and we’ll probably find once we’re there that there’s even more we want to achieve along the way. 

So here’s my challenge to you: exist where you are right now. Embrace every tiny small step ahead of you and quit putting off happiness just because you aren’t exactly where you want to be yet. 

Do you ever struggle with living in the present and embracing the here and now?


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Jen Carrington