How To Create An About Page That Works For Your Blog

Whenever I stumble across a new blog one of the first pages I visit is their about page. If you check your Google Analytics you'll probably see that it's one of your most visited pages too, as readers are always curious about finding out more about the person behind the blog. After feeling a little uninspired by mine, I recently spruced up my about page to work better alongside my blogging goals and intentions. If you're looking to make yours as good as it can be, I have four steps today to help you strategise the best approach for you and your blog. 

For some initial inspiration, some awesome about pages that stay true to their purpose, goals, and intentions and are super engaging and unique to each blogger are Jess Lively's, Nubby Twiglet's, Rachel Gadiel's, The Fresh Exchange's, and Local Milk's

Know your purpose Your about page is a great place to share who you are, the purpose of your blog, and what your audience can expect to find. Before you set out crafting the best about page for you, getting focused on your purpose and intentions is the best first step to take. For some guidance, my Finding Your Blogging Purpose & Building a Manifesto post might help. Knowing your audience, your niche, and the reader experience you want to create means you can build an about page that informs your readers of exactly what they can expect. 

Tell your story More than just a place to share your purpose and who you're for, first and foremost your about page is the place to share you story so far. Whether you're more comfortable sharing personal aspects of your life, or maybe your blogging and business/career story so far, one of the best ways to make an initial connection with a new reader is to share your story and give them an insight into your life. My best advice is to make it engaging. Whether you use visuals, or format it in a way that is interesting and fun to read, take your readers on a journey and share yourself and your life in an authentic and open way. 

Set expectations A great way to inform your readers and give them an idea of what they can expect from your online space is to set expectations. From what topic areas you cover, to when they can expect new posts to go live, to your terms and conditions and disclosure policy, this way they will know exactly what to expect. It doesn't have to be super serious though, you can share it in a really fun and engaging way that stays true to your voice. 

Your call to action A call to action is when you have an objective you want your readers to complete. For example, follow your blog on Bloglovin, or sign up to your mailing list, or follow you on Twitter. When building your about page, have in mind what you'd like your call to action to be. It could even be something as simple as exploring your archive pages, though for most bloggers it will probably be your preferred method for readers to subscribe to your blog. Place it in a way that is easy to see and easy to click through - for example I have mailing list sign ups on my about page, sidebar, and the end of most posts as it's my current favourite way of really connecting with my ideal readers. 

What do you like to see in an about page?


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