Introducing... Jessica from The Crown Wings


You may have noticed Jessica from The Crown Wings on my sidebar this past month and linked to at the end of each post as she has been this months spotlight advertiser and I'm super excited to bring you today's post after I caught up with her recently. A beauty, lifestyle, and fashion blog, today's interview is the perfect way to find out a little more about the girl behind the blog...

Tell us a little about the girl behind the blog? I'm Jess, 22 and still getting ID'd for lottery tickets. After completing my law degree I moved back home with my parents in the same house in the tiny town just outside Manchester that I grew up in. I work as a trainee solicitor and get paper cuts on a daily basis. I have an incredible talent for spotting lustworthy bags and have a slight obsession with Alpaca's.

How would you describe your blog? It's everything you might end up talking about with your friends over a coffee. From the latest fashion trends, to disappointing products and any adventures I've been on. 

What's your favorite thing about running The Crown Wings? There are so many things I love about running The Crown Wings but I think my all time favorite is being able to say I did that all on my own. My blogging knowledge pre-The Crown Wings was non-existent, and I genuinely had no idea what I was doing for the first couple of months. Whilst it might have taken me till now to get into full blown blogger mode, it's been such a steep learning curve and hopefully I'm going to go from strength to strength.

What inspires you and how do you tap into your creativity? Talking to people. It sounds so bizarre, but it get all my blog post inspiration from the girls at work! If it interests people enough to talk about it over lunch, chances are it's going to be a hit.

What are your top three favorite blog posts you've created so far? I think the one I am most proud of is the first in a series I did in Summer called Anxiety August. I tried to share my story without glamourising anything or putting a fairytale spin on it. The response I got back really moved me. One of my weakest areas originally was my photography and I think my review of Granny Takes a Dip from Lush shows the massive leap I've taken. The last post that really sticks in my head is the first one I did this year. I talked about the reasons why people make new years resolutions and why they are necessary. I love how well thought out it was and how it was different to other new year's content. 

What does the future have in store for The Crown Wings? The Crown Wings is going through a bit of a transitional period at the moment. I've been blogging for a while now and want to step it up to the next level. More fashion posts are on the agenda, along with a few extra lifestyle ones. I'm also contemplating Youtube, but I may need a push to take that leap. 

Hope this was a great way for you guys to find out a little more about Jessica and her blog!


Jen Carrington